Maricar Apuya

Booth No: 22

Living Your Truth with the Guides
Kapolei, HI

Becoming Your Biggest Multidimensional Possibility

I am a conscious direct voice channel for various guides. The guides tell me the title of the teaching and which guide will come through. Xavier, my galactic spirit guides, will facilitate this discussion. The guides will begin with a short lecture about becoming your biggest multidimensional possibility, where they will teach us about the Alchemical Matrix, and the energetic pathway to it, the Rainbow Bridge. Thereafter, they will take individual questions from the audience about their teaching. The guides will transmit energy during this session. To receive it, simply allow.


August 17-18, 2024

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6

NC State Fairgrounds, Exposition Center,
4285 Trinity Rd

Admission $15