Spirit Channel Colorado Springs, CO www.myspiritchannel.com
Are you ready to tap into the infinite wisdom of the Universe? Embark on a journey of enlightenment with our transformative session, where the infinite wisdom of Spirit Guides like Abraham, Seth, Frank, and others awaits your questions. Feel free to ask anything—no limits, no boundaries. Engage with profound teachings through a unique channeling experience and uncover the mysteries of the vibrational Universe. Whether you are familiar with Abraham's teachings or seeking guidance from your own Spirit Guides, this session is designed to empower you with practical tools to navigate obstacles, access inner guidance, and align with your life's purpose effectively. Your channel, Craig Janelli (aka SuperCraig) has been channeling since 2009, offers over 15 years of profound connection to these beings of boundless knowledge. Step into a space where knowledge meets empowerment as we transcend boundaries and tap into the limitless potential of the Universe. Join us for an enlightening experience that will leave you feeling empowered, informed, and inspired to embark on a journey towards to achieving your life's aspirations. with clarity and confidence.
April 19-21
Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6 Colorado Springs Event Center,3960 Palmer Park Blvd
Weekend Admission $10