Celebration Schedule

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Shweta Jain-Lengade

Booth : 971

Shweta Jain-Lengade

Earth Radiance Holistic Skincare

Skin Health with Ayurveda

Join Shweta Jain-Lengade and learn about how Earth Radiance skincare rituals are simplified to sustain your natural beauty. Handcrafted in small batches our organic & vegan skin care line provides a healthy glow, balancing the pH of your skin. Our safe, non-conventional skin care line will help to heal if you are experiencing reaction to medications, malignant growth, pregnant, rosacea, dermatitis, or other skin issues. The products provide simple functional & easy to read labels!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Tammy Wright

Booth : 302

Tammy Wright

Meditative Response

We Space

Join us for this powerful offering as we practice inner vibrations and meditations to create a collective consciousness.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 3)

C.B. Bjork

C.B. Bjork/The Crazy Red Haired Lady

Letting Go with Love

C.B. will be hosting a healing presentation on releasing events in our life with love. C.B. Bjork is a psychic medium, author, paranormal investigator, tarot and akashic records reader and teacher of psychic development.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 4)

Carol Gailey

SoulGlad Coaching LLC

Tuning Forks & Your Health

Learn about physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational ways to create positive shifts toward your spiritual evolution. Carol has more than 25 years of working with techniques for releasing trauma and balancing energy and has studied tuning fork practices for 8 years. Her Health Coach training lasted for a full year. She gives “tune-ups” with tuning forks which provide a better ability to manage stress, reduce pain, balance one’s energy field, and improve the overall quality of life. Because various frequencies of sound change a person’s resonance there is an immediate shift in how one feels following a tuning fork session.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 5)

Mary Kraemer

Gotta Get Balanced, LLC

Manifesting, Money & Mindfulness

Your body is constantly communicating with you by giving you messages all day long! It will tell us if we’re stressed, ignoring our intuition, or taking on someone else’s crap, and it does this whether we pay attention or not. Join Mary to learn how the body is a powerful healer and it exquisitely either maintains balance {homeostasis} or repairs. At this powerful session you’ll learn how the ‘words we say’ and the ‘thoughts we think’ affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially; which physical symptoms are messages from your body telling you when something is out of balance and much more.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 6)
Barry Helm

Booth : 940

Barry Helm

Barry Helm

A Channeled Healing Meditation

Utilizing psychic reading, spiritual channeling, bodywork and metaphysical healing, Barry Helm guides the individual into a place of aliveness and ease. Join him as he presents a channeled healing meditation assisting those present in their transformational process. In his own words “Healing is a process, an investment in that process, and a willingness to take responsibility for that process.”

Sunday, November 21, 2021

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 7)
Cindy Riggs

Booth : 803

Cindy Riggs

Cindy Riggs, Psychic/Spiritual Mentor

Past Life Regression

Do you believe you have lived before? Cindy Riggs is a certified hypnotherapist who has regressed clients for 15 years (in addition to performing past life readings and clearings), which can uncover details immediately helpful to this lifetime. Cindy briefly discusses reincarnation, some fascinating experiences she has had and witnessed, and guides the audience through a past life regression/hypnosis – an opportunity to experience (“see”) yourself in another lifetime!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 1)

Jason Antalek

Akashaman LLC

Accessing the Akashic Records

Spiritual Seekers: There is a wealth of wisdom just beyond the edge of your consciousness. If you are deeply invested in your spiritual development and growth or feel as if there are puzzle pieces of understanding still missing, you are ready to access the Akashic Records and transcend the confinement of most people's third-dimensional perspective on life! You may wonder why, in spite of all we know about spiritual growth, meditation, and the Law of Attraction, some people - perhaps yourself included - still cannot seem to create the human experience they want. You know we're the powerful Creators of our experience. You know we are Divine Beings. The Akashic Records offer us all the information we could ever wish for about the Divine nature of the Soul, our Soul Purpose, our Divine Gifts, and our path of spiritual evolution.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 2)

Ashlee St. Denis

Spiritual Realm Consulting

Paranormal Investigating 101

Ashlee founded the team, now called Spiritual Realm Paranormal Investigators (SRPI) over 8 years ago after beginning research in the paranormal field herself over 19 years ago. Having investigated notoriously haunted locations, many residential homes, and recently, historical landmarks and museums, SRPI has been featured on the Today Show for the Worlds Largest Ghost Hunt! Learn the basics of paranormal investigating, how to get started, get to see and hold some of our equipment, and ask questions! Ashlee will be joined by fellow SRPI members, including lead investigator Matt Neubauer.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Jackie Barton

Dr. Jackie, Psychic Medium

Learn What Aura and Chakra Colors Mean!

Join Jackie for this basic introduction to Auras, Chakras, their meaning and purpose. Learn to find the meaning in this useful information. Take away tools on how this can help you to understand other people, yourself and your challenges. Make a plan to change, grow, be better and clear your aura! Jackie has studied metaphysics for 20 years and been a professional Psychic-Medium for 10 years. She reads cards, does numerology, and astrology. She has worked at Universal Studios in Florida as a psychic and also at the Cassadaga Spiritual Camp, in Deland, FL. She is a Minister with the Universal Life Church, has a Master’s Degree in Business.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 4)

Rose Vanden Eynden & Joanne Franchina

Light Journey Enterprises

Personal Mediumship

Discover the joys of connecting with Spirit as you learn how to speak with your loved ones, guides, and angels. Rev. Rose Vanden Eynden is a Spiritualist minister, clairvoyant medium, instructor, and author of metaphysical nonfiction and fiction. She founded both the United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church and her practice, Light Journey Enterprises, in Cincinnati. Her nonfiction work focusing on mediumship and spirit communication, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, has been translated into seven languages. She has studied, practiced, and taught metaphysics for over 25 years. Joanne Franchina is a life coach, medium, instructor, writer and the founder of Inner Compass, an intuitive life coaching practice. An ordained minister and certified medium with Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, New York, Joanne has led workshops and seminars on meditation, mediumship development, creative manifestation and other metaphysical disciplines. Joanne helps people to create fabulous lives for themselves by using their inner wisdom in everyday situations.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 5)

Gary Pekoe

Ailie Wellness Center

Transformational Coaching & Endless Opportunities

You're on the awakening path, and the universe is bringing things to your attention. You are excited about growth but need to be grounded and organized so you can achieve the endless opportunities the metaphysical world has for you. Transformational life coaching when coupled with the awakening process can help you keep your raft in the center of the river of life while you navigate the twists and turns that are coming your way. Transformational life coaching can help you get unstuck, aid in your growth and healing, and maximize the benefits of knowing your truths and being in touch with your true self. Dr. Pekoe is a PhD Psychopharmacologist and empathic Transformational Life Coach.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 6)

Angie Clark

Essential Elements Wellness LLC

Clearing Negative Energy

Clearing Negative Energy: A Demonstration of Smudging & Other Clearing Techniques Angie has a vast amount of training and experience in multiple modalities. She completed the certified natural health professionals program of Warsaw IN. She has earned certifications in Iridology, N.E.A.T, Emotional Release, Light Touch, Reflexology, Bach Flower, Jin Shin Jytsu, and Kinesiology. Her Family Herbalist certification was achieved thru Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing, and is currently working toward Master Herbalist. Angie is a master level Reiki practitioner. She has also achieved Master level Kundalini Reiki and Imara Reiki, along with numerous training sessions in related energy work. Angie has taken the principals of her many certifications and blended them into her own unique style of intuitive healing.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 7)

Heidi Bright M.Div.

A Conversation with Dis-ease

Discover 3 key ingredients you can apply immediately to thrive in every area of your life. Learn simple new ways to update your Attitudes, Behaviors, and major life Choices to assist with conquering dis-ease and feeling better. This uplifting presentation includes a gentle guided visualization so you can discover your own clues for experiencing more vibrant health. National speaker, cancer survival coach, and best-selling author Heidi Bright shares game-changing strategies for greater resilience. Heidi has enjoyed radical remission from highly aggressive end-stage cancer since 2011. She earned the 2017 Champion in Cancer Care award, the 2017 Unsung Hero honor, and the 2014 Voices of Women Award. Her third traditionally published book, Thriver Soup: A Feast for Living Consciously During the Cancer Journey, contains more than 250 healing solutions.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 1)

Booth : 703

Jimi Designs

Sunday, November 21, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Angelia Herrick

Booth : 810

Angelia Herrick

Higher Realm Living

Tame Your Dragon and Create The Reality You Want Now!

Come and join another great talk with Angelia where together you will explore the power of the ego in your everyday life, its origins, its many identities and operations in your life, its only (real) purpose, and the ways in which you can change the ego's control in leading and creating your daily life. Change from allowing it to rule and control as a master (Dragon) over you to making it your humble servant as God intended it to be. In this one hour event Angelia will talk about the nature of consciousness and how you create your reality, vibrational frequencies, your energetic biospheres/fields in which your Spirit is having a physical experience, and how to truly and mindfully choose to create every Now moment from The Pure Spirit of Love and safety rather than from the ego which dwells only in fear. You will leave this event having a better grasp on how you too can master your reality and how to get started taming your dragon Now!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Thomas Freese

Thomas Freese

Visitors From Other Dimensions

Come hear true tales of encounters with ghosts, spirits, angels, aliens and other beings of light….and dark. Each story brings a lesson for how we, our friends and family, can be prepared for the unknown. Just as folk tales teach life lessons, these true stories help us understand what exactly is out there and how we can recognize friend versus foe. Are you, or your children, sensitive? Have you come across a portal in your home? The beings from other dimensions show up in our homes, backyards and in our cars. Ready yourself by hearing about the experiences others witnessed. There is much mischief afoot, including Ouija gone bad, black eyed kids, haunted objects, invisible friends, fairy folk and doppelgangers. They are all real… Thomas Freese is the author of 11 books including seven titles that detail true encounters. From Civil War ghosts, to tree spirits to beautiful angel encounters, he has collected stories and some spirit photographs as well. Thomas is a psychic, artist, art therapist and professional speaker/storyteller. His most recent book is Tree Spirits and Wood Wisdom wherein folks can discover the spiritual meanings for over 100 trees/woods.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 4)

Doug Baker

Readings By Doug

Psychi Q&A

How would you like to get to know the best psychic you could ever meet? Come today to meet that psychic, you! Doug will show you how to begin tapping into that inner power of intuition that we all have. You will leave knowing that you too have the ability to begin connecting with spirit now.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 5)
Kathryn Barajas Bjork

Booth : 504

Kathryn Barajas Bjork

C.B. Bjork/The Crazy Red Haired Lady

What Our Animals Can Teach Us About Love

Kathryn is an Animal Communicator & Medium and will be discussing how our pets help enrich our lives with their unconditional love.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 6)
Anthony Mikalauskas

Booth : 202

Anthony Mikalauskas

Fresh Mouth

Why silver for your teeth, health and spirituality

Learn how silver can change your life starting with your mouth, your health, and intensifying your spirituality.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 7)

Consuelo Cassotti

BalancEvolution, LLC

Release Trauma & Heal Your Body

Consuelo uses Command Cell therapy with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)" to help clients recover from trauma. RTT draws out 'unfinished business', meaning it is a technique for addressing the trauma that you have been holding onto for long time. Cell Command TherapyTM is a powerful tool of hypnosis, which assists you to connect to your Subconscious and Higher-Self for assistance. You will be amazed how powerful this seminar is! Consuelo as RTT therapist, uses Command Cell therapy as a powerful technique for purposefully healing the body, as opposed to positive conditioning alone.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 1)
George Cox

Booth : 322

George Cox

Natural Options Aromatheraphy

Aromatherapy for wellness

Step into the fascinating world of naturally formed, plant-based essential oils in this fun, hands-on seminar guided by George Cox, Director for the state of Ohio for the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy! George shares healing with essential oils including which oils provide pain relief, anti-bacterial versus anti-viral and how to relieve stress, aid sleep, improve arthritis, heal wounds and increase energy.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 2)

Chad Seibert and Joanne Franchina

Chad Seibert

Gifts from Spirit Mediumship Demonstration

Joanne Franchina and Chad Seibert demonstrate spirit messages, several of which may include special items inspired by Spirit as a token of remembrance for the recipients. Joanne Franchina is an intuitive life coach, clairvoyant medium, instructor, and the founder of Inner Compass LLC. Chad Seibert is an evidential medium and spiritual development coach, and is one of the Cincinnati region’s most respected mediums. Together Joanne and Chad co-direct the Mediumship Mastery Program presented by Inner Compass Academy.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Edward Dwyer

American Novelties

Eyes Wide Open; A Layman's Journey

This talk is for those just starting their journey into the metaphysical world! Edward shares his experiences and pictures of what you have to look forward to! Come experience Edward's storytelling and discover his experiences with hauntings, animal spirits, extraterrestrials, star beings and much more!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 4)

Jen Mac

The Meditation Room

Meditation 101

Everyone has goals just out of reach and everyone has problems they just can't seem to solve. Meditation can help with that. It can clear the path to your goals and assist in problem solving. We'll discuss the benefits, obstacles and solutions when beginning a meditation practice. Don't have the time? Can't clear your mind or sit still? Don't worry! We can help! Learn this powerful technique that only takes 10 minutes and has life changing results.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 5)

Julianna Kallas

JKallas Consulting

Self-Knowing & the Laws of Manifestation

How knowing yourself affects the laws of manifestation. Julianna has been active in the intuitive field for over 30 years. She has lectured all over the country and has been featured on countless TV and radio talk shows. Most recently, she helped the Boston Police Department solve a quadruple murder case, and was interviewed by TV’s Psychic Detectives

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 6)

Amy Auset Rohn

Amy Auset Rohn

Hathor & Joy in the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries

Hathor is an Egyptian Goddess of abundant joy and she's inviting YOU to experience abundant joy in your life! Learn how to find joy, celebrate it, and create a life that you enjoy waking up to through the Ancient Egyptian texts, such as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Coffin Texts and other ancient literature.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 7)

Wendy Cleveland

The LORD Speaks...

Live-Channeled Workshop: The Lord Speaks

Wendy started receiving these messages from the Lord in October of 2011. "Our Lord is Good, He is Gracious, so very Loving and Kind, and while I still struggle in my achieving a 'perfect heart' in this life, I am trying to Be as He wishes for me to Be, and to live this life in the full expression of He in His Son as I learn more of how to Love All in His Supreme Love in His Heart, according to the Love of His Ways." - Wendy of the Way.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 1)

Lisa Gniady

Psychic Team Lisa

Gong Sound Healing & Light Code Activation

Light Code Activations clear the path to greater clarity and happiness. The Gong resonance takes you on a journey through your energy body. Raise your frequency and open the door to a new found understanding of self. Experience a Crystalline Light Code Channeled Activation followed by Gong Sound Healing demonstration. Raise your frequency and open to more joy in your life!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 2)

Diane Marie Goetz

Mystic Astrologer - Diane Goetz

Venus & Mars - What You Love & How You Get It

Diane uses her unique combination of Astrology and Mediumship for private chart readings, parties and other public events. Her other interests include exploring haunted locations, nature walks and cycling. She maintains a full time position as a Human Resources Specialist at a local government agency.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Kathy Riepen Baker

Kathy Baker / The Souls Journey

Journey to Loved Ones & Guides in Spirit

Journey to Loved Ones & Guides in Spirit through your Sacred Heart Internationally known as the “Healer of the Heart,” Kathy is a gifted spiritual medium, soul connector, and channeler who has a unique process to help you connect with your departed loved ones, angels, soul, and Spirit. She will take you on a journey to your Sacred Heart, where you will connect with your departed loved ones, or your angels. Kathy will channel your soul and Spirit for guided information. This connection will enlighten you, while empowering you to create your heart's desire, bring clarity to any of life's questions you may have, or help heal your broken heart. Every journey will include a heart healing from the angels.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 4)
Leslie Fonteyne

Booth : 407

Leslie Fonteyne

Leslie Fonteyne

Creating the Platform for Outrageous Abundance

Source is 100% abundant; are we? Because of conflicting priorities and fear, we fail to manifest greatly. In this session, learn to identify the blocks and interferences that stop you from stepping into all that you want to be, do and have. With ascended masters and archangels, you will then learn to clear them. The outcome? Outrageous abundance and transformation. Don’t miss your moment and join this abundant session with Leslie Fonteyne.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 5)

Maria Schmidt

Mysterious Adventures Tours

Exploring the World's Most Haunted Castles

Our lecture will present our collection of the most breathtaking castles that are known to be filled with phantoms, choosing to eternally stay in these imperial spheres. Each one embraces spectacular history which invites unexplainable supernatural phenomena which surface when darkness seeps from the moonlit nights. They all have inherited the most incredible and gruesome tales. These rumors have terrorized local villagers, threatening their very own existence. Dungeons ornated with putrefying skeletons and blade-lined murder holes often pervade these mysterious fortresses. Once used to inflict inexplicable pain, suffering, and death, they now validate the gloom that keeps the phantoms captive. Today, they add to the multitudes of disturbing legends that challenge mortals’ curiosity and send chills up their spines.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 6)

Patricia Garry

Patricia Garry, Celtic Tarot Reader

Experience Reiki Healing

Join Patricia as she shares about her work and growth with Reiki! Whether you are already experienced with Reiki or are curious and want to learn more about it, this session is designed for you. Learn about working with Reiki practitioners and experience this hands-on healing personally! Patrcia will talk about their work and growth with Reiki. Reiki will be offered to those interested!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 7)

Laura Gentner

Laura Gentner

Healing Energy Circle

Join Laura and create a healing circle as we play, heal and soar in Divine energy! Learn to use high vibrational energy to shift your energy and feel better! Energy work inspires positive changes on all levels (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual) of your life. As a Spiritual Guide, Healer and Energy Geek, Laura uses her psychic and healing abilities to help people navigate anything they are experiencing and to THRIVE! She also teaches and talks about all things spiritual, psychic and metaphysical.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 1)

Rev. Stephanie Smith

Oracle Path

Tower Card Moments: Opportunities for Awakening

Join Rev. Smith for this look at the tower card in the tarot, and how tower moments in our lives present as opportunities for spiritual and personal growth. Stephanie talks about why this happens in the awakening process and provide some coaching to thrive through tower moments. She will offer open, hot seat style readings to address questions and further the conversation about personal awakening symptoms and tower moments. Stephanie is an Intuitive Medium and Spiritual Counselor. She offers private readings, workshops and lectures on meditation & spiritual topics. Clients work with her by phone and video chat from all over the world, and in person at her office. She officiates weddings, and is a Certified End of Life Doula.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 2)

Jean Tindle

Spirit Dancer Crystals

Stones for 5th Dimensional Energy

Jean Tindle is a teacher, healer and ceremonialist who has studied shamanic healing for over 18 years with teachers and healers in South America and the U.S. She has also spent many months in the jungles of Peru studying with medicine men of the Capanahua and Shipibo tribes and in Chile with the feminine tradition of the Mapuche. Through this study came a deep understanding of the healing properties of crystals and minerals, as well as an appreciation of their beauty. Jean teaches apprenticeships on Peruvian healing traditions, as well as workshops on crystal and sound healing.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Dave Irvine, M.D.

Dave Irvine, M.D.

Channeled Teachings on Multidimensional Realities

Dr. David Irvine has been in the trenches for over 35 years in Family Practice and then Emergency Medicine, exploring the energetic and spiritual worlds and practical applications for use in acute care medicine. Dr. Irvine shares this introduction to a manuscript that has been channeled through him from a group of enlightened beings. It is a simple yet profound description of higher levels of consciousness and how to access them. The teachings are, for the most part, devoid of the trappings and dogma of the World’s Religions. If the opportunity allows, you may experience shifts into multidimensional realities during the hour with the help of the Spirits.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 4)

Sheikha Maryam Kabeer Faye

Kashmir Dream

The Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi Path

Sheikha Maryam was born into a liberal Jewish family in Hollywood, CA. She was an actress at the age of five and was acting in a Theatre Company when she was twelve years old, when she was given a painted scroll of an ancient wanderer, upon which were inscribed the words: “Seek and The Truth Shall Make You Free.” This message galvanized her soul and determined the course of her life. In search of the liberating truth, she was led to live in India and Nepal, and in monasteries in Europe, and then guided to embrace Islam at the hands of an ancient Sufi Master a few minutes away from the tomb of the Prophet Abraham. She has described the deep journey of transformation in a book entitled: “Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils, the Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi Path.” This book is a significant and revealing spiritual and social commentary dispelling many myths and stereotypes, such as the proposition, often fostered by the media, that women are inevitably oppressed in Islam. On the contrary, it is by entering into the heart of Islam that the author was liberated, elevated, empowered, and guided to realize the true purpose of her existence.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 5)

EliSheva Nesher


Asherah - The Hebrew Mother Goddess

Sunday, November 21, 2021

5:00 PM-6:00 PM

(Stage 1)

Tom Polson

Hearing Voices Network

Share Your Paranormal Experience & Investigate It

Hearing Voices? You’re not alone. Learn about these paranormal experiences and what might be causing them. There are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences. The Hearing Voices Network (HVN) promotes an alternative approach which does not start from the assumption that people who have these experiences have a chronic illness. HVN is a partnership between individuals who hear voices or have other extreme or unusual experiences, professionals and allies in the community, all of whom are working together to change the assumptions made about these phenomenon and create support, learning and healing opportunities for people across the country.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

5:00 PM-6:00 PM

(Stage 2)

Ra Moonhawk

RA Moonhawk Wands & Magickal Wares


Master wand-maker RA Moonhawk shares his wisdom of alchemy with you. A brief introduction to the history of wands and then right into the good stuff – how to use wands for meditation, healing/ energy work, dream work and the like. This is not a canned speech read from notecards! The majority of RA’s talk is demonstration on audience members and question and answer time, so you always receive the information you desire.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

5:00 PM-6:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Dave Irvine, M.D.

Dave Irvine, M.D.

Channeled Teachings on Multidimensional Realities

Dr. David Irvine has been in the trenches for over 35 years in Family Practice and then Emergency Medicine, exploring the energetic and spiritual worlds and practical applications for use in acute care medicine. Dr. Irvine shares this introduction to a manuscript that has been channeled through him from a group of enlightened beings. It is a simple yet profound description of higher levels of consciousness and how to access them. The teachings are, for the most part, devoid of the trappings and dogma of the World’s Religions. If the opportunity allows, you may experience shifts into multidimensional realities during the hour with the help of the Spirits.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

5:00 PM-6:00 PM

(Stage 4)

Shari Lynn

Pleiadean Cosmic Healing Discs

Navigating 5th Dimensional Consciousness

Some of us come back to help Humanity at this most Incredible Time to be Incarnated and have held onto many memories of a past life as well as off-world excursions. You are incarnated at this time to do great deeds and assist humanity in its evolution! Learn what it means to let go of limited consciousness, Embrace a New World in a New Way, and usher in New Vibrational Healing and Sustainable Ways of Living. Shari Lynn is a gifted insightful visionary and energy worker with over 30 years of study in the Esoteric. A UFO Contactee and Activator of Higher Dimensions Shari empowers others to embrace this Awakening of Humanity to be Ambassadors of Peace and Healing. Shari shares through her own experiences and work with Higher Dimensions to shift old paradigms to welcome the New Earth Humanity. Shari Lynn is the Creator of Pleiadean Cosmic Healing Discs

Sunday, November 21, 2021

5:00 PM-6:00 PM

(Stage 5)
Jason Antalek

Booth : 308

Jason Antalek

Akashaman LLC

Accessing the Akashic Records

Spiritual Seekers: There is a wealth of wisdom just beyond the edge of your consciousness. If you are deeply invested in your spiritual development and growth or feel as if there are puzzle pieces of understanding still missing, you are ready to access the Akashic Records and transcend the confinement of most people's third-dimensional perspective on life! You may wonder why, in spite of all we know about spiritual growth, meditation, and the Law of Attraction, some people - perhaps yourself included - still cannot seem to create the human experience they want. You know we're the powerful Creators of our experience. You know we are Divine Beings. The Akashic Records offer us all the information we could ever wish for about the Divine nature of the Soul, our Soul Purpose, our Divine Gifts, and our path of spiritual evolution.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

5:00 PM-6:00 PM

(Stage 7)
John Michael Thornton

Booth : 506

John Michael Thornton

John Michael Thornton

The Fairy Under the Stairs

While exploring a haunted house an unexpected visitor is found trapped and lost. It’s not unusual to find spirits trapped in buildings where violence occurred. It’s not unusual to find spirits who are unwilling or unable to move on and leave the living world behind. Sometimes though, you encounter a different type of entity. This is her story.



November 20-21, 2021

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-7

Sharonville Convention Center,
11355 Chester Rd

Daily Admission $15


Click here for
