Virginia Turrubiarte

Booth No: 10

Virginia Turrubiarte Psychic Medium
Austin, TX

Guiding Parents With Psychic Children

Join Virginia as she provides procedures to the parent on options for guiding their psychic children. Learn the importance of having the child speak clearly of what visions, shadows or things happening around them that are out of the norm. Understand the psychic gifts some children have which can be ability to see, feel, smell, mediumship and also channel. Virginia teaches and provides examples of putting up spiritual boundaries and how it feels by calling in the archangels. Learn to recognize the child’s desire when they are attracted to the crystals and understanding their healing properties. Virginia discusses the processes for using white sage and sweet grass to bless your surroundings.


July 29-30, 2023

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-6

Palmer Events Center,
900 Barton Springs Rd

Admission $12


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