True Hemp Science Austin, TX
In our modern world, we have become disconnected from our bodies, minds, and spirits. We have outsourced our responsibility for health and well-being to corporations and governments, which often prioritize profits over people. Amidst this disconnection, many are seeking holistic methods to regain balance and harmony in their lives. Engaging with cannabinoids like CBD can illuminate personal pathways to healing and connection that scientific literature alone may not fully capture. When we allow ourselves to explore, observe, and feel—without the filter of societal expectations or prescribed narratives—we tap into a deeper truth that resonates with our own bodies and minds. Cannabinoids have a wide range of potential benefits, including pain relief, anxiety and stress reduction, improved sleep, neuroprotective properties, and anti-cancer properties. Restoring the connection between the mind and body is vital for optimal health and well-being.
July 27-28
Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-6 Palmer Events Center,900 Barton Springs Rd
Weekend Admission $12