2:00 PM-3:00 PM
(Stage 1)We not only have access to limitless amount of information. We can, with pendulum in hand, detect and TRANSFORM disturbing or harmful energy to one that is supportive, vital and clean. Since everything is energy, is vibration, there is no end to what we can tap into. It's akin to tracking the progress of a prayer, asked and answered. Beverly Voss has been a Master Dowser for 25 years. She studied with our hometown heroine, Hanna Kroger as well as past presidents of the American Society of Dowsers. She is always looking for students who wish to participate more profoundly in the unseen world. She regularly teaches Basic and Advanced Dowsing Classes. Dowsing is an extraordinary, yet simple, method helping us to be the solution to the many challenges we face in our journey here.
2:00 PM-3:00 PM
(Stage 2)Join me for lecture on Understanding Quantum Healing with a small healing demo with the entire group toward the end of the lecture. Come explore Quantum Healing, Regression Therapy, Past Life Regression and working with the power of the Subconscious Mind, how it works and its benefits. I've worked with matters of the soul and the process of healing for the past 13 + years, witnessing tremendous results and profound changes of improvement with my clients. I will share how to get out of your own way and how to align with your true core self, so you may not just survive, but thrive. I will round out this amazing talk with a discussion on how spirituality affects our physical being and vice versa and what it takes to raise our vibration and live in the space of peace, joy and love. I will also briefly talk about a new program I am launching for those of you who are interested in learning Quantum Healing, Regression Therapy, Past Life Regression, how to work with the Subconscious Mind, and so much more, and it is your souls purpose and desire to help people experience transformation on the deepest soul level.
2:00 PM-3:00 PM
(Stage 3)Empower yourself with this not-to-be-missed introduction to the Be Aware program, based on how to be mindful of how you are using your time. Is it spent on things that don't matter, or is it on what truly counts?
3:00 PM-4:00 PM
(Stage 1)Wendy Selvig (Certified Aromatherapist) and Jonathan Mead (Young Living Essential Oils Distributor) discuss practical applications of essential oils for the health of your body, mind and spirit. Wendy and Jonathan will cover the basics of essential oils, natural healthy living, and some advanced essential oil techniques. Join this lively discussion of why they chose Young Living out of all of the brands available, and why they trust them for their personal essential oil usages.
3:00 PM-4:00 PM
(Stage 2)Chakra Healing: Tools for Hope-Filled Healing & Expansive Evolutionary Growth
Conscious energy teacher, shamanic healer, and Master Success coach, Donna DeNomme, has led others through their chakra journey for over thirty years. She considers awareness about this ancient system to be an essential tool because it engages the body, mind, emotions; as well as both personal and universal energies. Join us for an informative and experiential Healing Circle: access intuition, divine guidance, soul alignment, and purposeful living to enhance your health, happiness, and wild success!
3:00 PM-4:00 PM
(Stage 3)This lecture is a must-attend whether you're an expert in understanding energy or a beginner! Dr. Ginger Bowler shares an ENERGY MODEL that will assist you in understanding where you're making energetic errors and how to easily correct them, or where you’re benefiting from your energetic successes. She then plugs in the modalities she uses including light therapy and Biofeedback, so that you can see why your modalities are working for you or not.
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
(Stage 1)Chemicals and synthetic fragrances in our everyday products are some of the most toxic and the harmful to the body. Katy wants to empower all of you with the knowledge to live a more chemical-free lifestyle! Join Katy as she shares just how easy it is, why you need to, and the simple steps it takes toward creating a healthier home affordably.
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
(Stage 2)Kris will channel information from the Archangels (Michael, Rafiel, Gabriel, and Ariel) to assist you with the guidance of Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot cards. The year 2019 s a spiritual year to make powerful changes; the archangels are here it give humanity hope and inspiration for all who ask for their assistance!
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
(Stage 3)Using the natural energy paths, Hoy Chi pressure points open a new world of pain free living.
5:00 PM-6:00 PM
(Stage 1)Treat yourself holistically using plant-based remedies and get passionate about our bodies' ability to heal naturally in this fun gallery reading! Led by Steve Caldwell and Clinton - a Medical Intuitive, herbalist and plant whisperer for over 30-years - this talk will shed light on your health challenges and review over 60 effective natural plant pharmacy formulations.
5:00 PM-6:00 PM
(Stage 2)Take away knowledge on the 3 factors that differentiate all herbal products and learn how to use acupressure points on yourself for improved immune protection.Learn about the Four types of Functional Disorders of the Immune System and better understand immune conditions like allergy and the common cold.
5:00 PM-6:00 PM
(Stage 3)Join Dave The Mystic for a discussion of the Akashic Records and what comes through in past lives. This session will also include life paths, changing past lives and interaction with parallel universes. Dave will then offer mini-readings for audience members. Come early as this wonderful session will fill quickly.
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
(Stage 1)An introduction to the Shambhala Healing Tools & Music radiating the Healing Blessings of Buddha Maitreya, reincarnation of Jesus the Christ. Experience a Personal and Planetary Soul Therapy Meditation using Buddha Maitreya the Christ’s Invocations. “By us listening to these words, it helps us to have an invocation/evocation in our deeper self - on an atomic level into an emotional and then to a physical level, so it could make us better people and the planet a better place."
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
(Stage 2)Tools to Enhance Your Health, Personal Growth and Transform Your Life! Join Ilene Cohn Reichman for life-changing simple steps to conquer mental, physical and environmental stress and minimize their negative effects. This lecture is designed to introduce you to tools to help keep you on the planet as long as possible, in the best of health and living up to your highest potential!
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
(Stage 3)Many non-life threatening injuries, sicknesses, and other ailments can be treated safely at home with plant-based medicine. Join the Crooked Crows Clinical Herbalist Sadie Garner to learn about the 10 herbs everyone should have in their Medicine Cabinet, and how to use them safely and effectively! This is the perfect class for people with little to no experience with plant medicine who are interested in utilizing herbs in their everyday life.
7:00 PM-8:00 PM
(Stage 1)Join Corinna for this inspirational look at how we all grow up with expectations and projections from the people around us. Let us discover ways to find out who we are underneath all of them!
7:00 PM-8:00 PM
(Stage 2)Most of us determine the state of our health depending on how we feel, leading us to seek help and make changes when the problem is too far ahead. Join Lyann for this engaging discussion on what health represents and what you can do to improve it and maintain it.
7:00 PM-8:00 PM
(Stage 3)Our DNA is changing and the Earth Mother is ascending with our DNA changes. Shirley is very excited to share new, up to date information and material about the energies of the number 6 and 8. Shirley also discusses the new Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies that coincide with these numbers, the end of the Narcissism Consciousness and more. The Earth’s DNA is changing and our perceptions are changing as well; Shirley speaks about how the afterlife is connected to DNA patterns in the physical life and how it affects multi-dimensional realms that affect our everyday lives whether we are conscious of it or not.
September 6-8
Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Denver Mart,
451 E 58th Ave
Daily Admission $7