Celebration Schedule

Sunday, September 8, 2019

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

(Stage 1)
Heather Nichols

Booth : 290

Heather Nichols

Heather Nichols Inc

Be Your Own Psychic

What if you could know the future - and trust yourself to know what decisions to make to create it? Join Heather Nichols for a different take on being a psychic - and a chance to discover that you may be more psychic than you think!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

(Stage 2)
Anjali Arnold

Booth : 72

Anjali Arnold

Quintessence Studio

How to live from your Highest Self

Learn about Akasha the fundamental layer of the universe that pervades everything proving we are interconnected. You access your own Akashic record regularly without knowing, learn to consciously interact with the higher realm to live from your Highest Self.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

(Stage 3)
Chong Bhakti

Booth : 40

Chong Bhakti

Chong’s Holistic Healing & Coaching

Finding a Path of Love & Happiness

Get ready to take control of your life and learn tools to CREATE your own desired life, as YOU want it! Chong Bhakti shares the benefits of coaching and how you can optimize the resources you may already have. Let Chong Bhakti help you to obtain health and financial freedom to create life you absolutely will love and adore!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Dr. Nadine

Booth : 126

Dr. Nadine

Creating RESULTS Holistic Center

How Animals Deal with Death

Animals experience emotional pain and loneliness with the death of their human or another in their ‘pack’ However Animals also shift very fast when they are given the opportunity to do so. Join Dr Nadine and learn how to assist your baby to make separations from trauma, shock, drama etc. Learn how to help them Restore Well-being and bring their Energy field to one of Balance, Joy and Freedom. Please bring a photo of your baby and your questions.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Sky Heartsong

Booth : 81

Sky Heartsong

Sky Heartsong

Why Talk To Your Animals?

Join Sky for a discussion on animal communication including topics such as: What your animal is thinking or feeling, why they have certain behaviors and can they be stopped, health issues and how to talk to your animals in Spirit! A chat with an animal communicator can help! Sky talks about these questions and more, plus shares stories from her experiences talking with animals of all kinds since 1999.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Hilary Hayne

Hilary Hayne

Gem & Crystal Waters

Have you ever heard about the healing effects of Crystal Infused Waters? While Crystals that we carry are known to affect our own vibrational field… what happens when we drink them? Discover the healing of Crystal water as Hilary discusses the differences between Infused and Essence water of both flowers and Crystals and how to create them. Hilary talks about the ways we can heal our emotions and create more harmony in our bodies.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Stephanie Schoolmeester

Booth : 249

Stephanie Schoolmeester


High Vibrational Living

You deserve to live fully present, have vibrant health and share your powerful work with the world. Join Stephanie Schoolmeester for an inspirational and empowering talk where you will learn specific approaches you can implement immediately to tap into your inner peace, power, and passion. You will learn how to tap into your emotional intelligence which determines 80% of your success, how to get into a high vibe state and become a manifesting magnet. It’s your time to shine and fully be ALIVE!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Michelle Depres

Booth : 18

Michelle Depres

Michelle Depres

Experience Group Past Life Regression & Meet Guide

Experience a magical cosmic journey with Michelle Depres and bring back sacred knowledge, deep inner healing and a new perspective on why you came to Earth. Free yourself from feeling stuck, alone, or lost and confused. Rediscover your inner divine purpose, and nail down your next best step toward manifesting that which you came here to do. No other person has your special magic, others are waiting for you to 10X your purpose, serve more people, and create a deeper impact!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

(Stage 3)
Ron Liggett

Booth : 157

Ron Liggett

Share International Mountain West

Meditation - building a bridge to the soul.

Learn a simple technique to attune to the Masters of Wisdom and help speed up the emergence of the Forces of Light on our suffering planet.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Amanda Gregg

Booth : 278

Amanda Gregg

Soaring Eagle Healing, LLC

Come be Mindful and Dance!

Join Amanda Gregg for Dancing Mindfulness! This experience is about being mindful and moving organically to a variety of music. The dance will be 40 minutes in length. No experience necessary, just an open heart!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Richelle Kemper

Booth : 52

Richelle Kemper

Richelle Marie, Spiritual Transformatio

Gridworking On Gaia with Crystals

Gridworking is the art of anchoring in 100% Divine Love Light into the Ley Lines and elementals of Gaia. In this session you will learn how to start Gridworking in and around your own home and/or neighborhood. Plants, trees, rocks and flowers love to be 'powered up' with this fabulous energy. Richelle will show you how to tap into 100% Divine Love Energy utilizing crystals that you can take home to 'Grid' around your home environment. No experience necessary, just come and have fun!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai

Health Secrets USA

The Power of Anti-Aging – Natural Solutions to a Younger You!

NEWSBREAK!! Are you one of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS Falling victim to the SYMPTOMS OF AGING? Losing Your Hair, Experiencing Brain Fog or Suffering From Severe Fatigue? Prof. Dr. Tai will uncover the truth of aging and reveals the Secrets that your Doctor Won’t Tell You! Growing older shouldn’t cost your vitality, youth or lust for life! Dr. Tai helps you TAKE CHARGE by examining Scientific Research and applying Simple All-Natural Solutions to turn back the clock on Aging.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Dr. Paul Hubbert, Ph.D.

Booth : 146

Dr. Paul Hubbert, Ph.D.

Holographic Sound & Inner Balance

The Healing Power of Holographic Sound, Experience

Experience Multidimensional Sound Healing, the healing power and energy of Holographic Sound. Join us in this empowered experience with Dr Paul Hubbert, PhD, Multidimensional Sound Master, Reiki Master & intuitive channel. Paul teaches and records internationally and has been recognized by the White House for his family counseling work. Join Paul and be guided to a higher state of consciousness to help you heal physically, emotionally and mentally using resonant frequencies from crystal singing bowls and vocal harmonics.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Beth Carpenter

Booth : 79

Beth Carpenter

Beth Carpenter, ND

Clearing Home Environment

Learning to clean up an environment is more than just burning sage. Learn a series of steps to take to improve home environment of unwanted GLOP! This will be a fun, super fast class, so be sure take notes!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Estaryia Venus

Sound Wave Life

Heal Your Body & Transform Your Life with Sound

Join Estaryia as she shares with you the healing and rejuvenating power of sound for the body, the brain and raising your vibration accelerating your personal transformation. Estaryia presents how sound effects your nervous system and increases longevity. Learn how sound can release old limiting beliefs so you can create a positive future and life. Then, be guided into a sound frequency attunement and meditation where you experience some of the transformative power and benefits of sound.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 1)

Ilene Reichman

Magnetude Jewelry

Vanquishing Stress

Tools to Enhance Your Health, Personal Growth and Transform Your Life! Join Ilene Cohn Reichman for life-changing simple steps to conquer mental, physical and environmental stress and minimize their negative effects. This lecture is designed to introduce you to tools to help keep you on the planet as long as possible, in the best of health and living up to your highest potential!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 2)

Ginger Ravencroft

Ravenscroft Escentials Oils

Receive a Heart Healing from Ginger

Learn to temper anxieties & transmute fearful & negative beliefs into self acceptance & gratitude. Learn to let go, heal, forgive & move forward. Find strength in your emotional vulnerability. Vibrate with love and positivity, attracting all you desire. Protect and empower yourself in this chaotic world. Find motivation to reach your greatest joy, your truth! Change your life with essential oils, “the original medicine“.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

3:00 PM-4:00 PM

(Stage 3)
Her Holiness Bhavana Shinde

Booth : 310

Her Holiness Bhavana Shinde

Spiritual Science Research Foundation

5 Powerful Spiritual Self-Healing Techniques

Have you ever experienced problems in life that do not go away despite trying all known solutions and remedies? When such problems do not go away, there is a high chance that these problems have their root cause in the spiritual dimension. Her Holiness Bhavana Shinde guides you on how to implement 5 powerful spiritual self-healing techniques. These techniques are inexpensive and easy to apply to compliment your current spiritual practice.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 1)
Tatyana Mickushina

Booth : 277

Tatyana Mickushina

International Sirius Center

"What do The Ascended Masters say about America"

International group of volunteers will represent the Teaching of The Ascended Masters, transmitted from 2004 – 2019 through their current Messenger Tatyana N. Mickushina.Tatyana was granted a Mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood by Lord Surya in 2004. We will introduce the current living Messenger Tatyana Mickushina and the Teaching, which The Ascended Masters have been giving through her for the past 15 years to us - modern humanity. At the Presentation we will be excited to share with you what the Ascended Masters say about America in their recent Messages that have been given since 2005 up until now. You will also learn which of the Ascended Masters and Messengers incarnated or lived in America. Official site of The Messenger Tatyana Mickushina in English: https://sirius-eng.net/

Sunday, September 8, 2019

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 2)
Lashelle Whitmore

Booth : 276

Lashelle Whitmore

Blissful Therapy

Living Your Life Like It's Golden

LaShelle Whitmore is a gifted spiritual wellness consultant with a vast natural skin care line. In this session, LaShelle shares how services such as reiki, aura cleansing, chakra balancing, intuitive guidance, ancestral messaging, and so much more can help you live a Blissful life both inside and out. LaShelle also shares the importance of ensuring that the products that you put on your body are just as safe as the products that you put into your body.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

4:00 PM-5:00 PM

(Stage 3)

Pixi Eagleheart

Pixis Potions and Pearls



September 6-8

Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Denver Mart,
451 E 58th Ave

Daily Admission $7


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